Honouring The Buddhism

Over primordial chaos reigned the Supreme Being;
A single breath the world's common
All within the Almighty's grasp.
The inextinguishable flame of intelligence />Illuminating across all 36 heavens.
The Dao flows as an irradiating stream,
the way for all beings,
Expressing the highest truth, 
Of non-action, and
In a single gust of wind (the "KHI" flow)
Emulating an edifice,
beautiful as a rainbow
Supporting the horizon. 
Using the sword of wisdom  />As a way to cultivate TINH, KHI, THAN
The KHI flow opening the third Eye (Monad),
subsequently the chakra Huyen Quan (Crown chakra)
Unites human essence to The Great Nil; />The sky, the earth, humanity,
All from this lofty Source.
We are blessed on our path
toward Illumination
Thanks to immeasurable mercy, inestimable vow. (The great vow of the
was to save ALL humanity, otherwise he will not go to Nirvana) 
Buddha's sanctity is unbounded,
His compassion, unconditional.
From the original breath
of life springs the Dao;
Nhien Dang Co Phat, (the name of the old time Buddha which means
everlasting light)
The Great Emptiness the pure Dao,
The Great Nil the
true Teaching.