Rastafarianism Prayers

I pray not by always asking for things...but by listening to what Jah is askings....
/>To shut up the ego, be humble and obay Jahs commands is a prayer beyond words. 
/>I pray in spirit...words can assist...but words cant be dead(no spirit)

To surrender
to Jah and The Allmightys will, to let go of the egos power trip and put all trust in Jah so not to

I pray by asking strength to overcome all temptations , and the power to
trample the devol

Ina irie meditation I pray for I and I and I, all and one impartial.

I pray to Haillie selassie The power of The Trinity to Give grace and send Jah saving
hand Yeshua The Christ to rise and shine in IandI

I pray for the days Jah Kingdom
Florishes over the entire green earth and wickedness is no more
I pray for Jah to banish this
darkness from my own heart with the illumination of his enlightening one, the christ the davine, the
hola of of Rastafari to fulfill the body and uplift it along with its counterpart the earth into
Zion to make earth and heaven one as Zion.

Establish the foundation....The foundation
is of the spirit not of the material and flesh....

I pray pray INI establish the roots
of INI faith on solid ground so that when things shack rattle and roll nothing can make INI fall get
knocked over or crumbles..........Zion Iron Strong Lion Heart! 

Courage to pray,

One part of prayer is in spirits...Other part is in physical
action...Cultivate it up from within...Carry it out....
This is prayer and worship....Bless Up