Jewish Law makes it our duty to pray three times daily: in the morning, in the afternoon and at nightfall.


In Judaism, there are both public and private aspects of prayer. Jewish prayer is both set and spontaneous. The Talmud defines prayer as the service of the heart (Ta’anit 2a), thus suggesting that prayer should express the deepest feelings and longings of the soul. Through our long history, these longings have taken shape and been formed into a myriad of blessings (berachot) for nearly every occasion, both ordinary and extraordinary, and a fixed liturgy for prescribed times and seasons.
 prayers transmit values and ideals. For instance, in the Ve’ahavta, which is recited at every evening and morning service, we find: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your mind, with all your strength, with all your being. Set these words, which I command you this day, upon your heart. Teach them faithfully to your children; speak of them in your home and on your way, when you lie down and when you rise up.” This passage stresses the love of God, the value of learning, and the importance of transmitting Judaism to the next generation.

The Prayer

Ana bekoach, 
g'dulat yemincha,
tatir tz'rura

Kabel rinat amcha sagveinu,
tahareinu nora

Na gibor 
dorshei yichudcha, 
k'vavat shamrem

Barchem taharem, rachamei tzidkatcha
Tamid gamlem

Chasin kadosh berov tuvcha, 
Nahel adatecha

Yachid ge'eh le'amcha p'neh, 
zochrei k'dushatecha

Shavateinu kabel ushma tza'akateinu, 
yode'a ta'alumot

(Baruch shem k'vod malchuto 
le'olam va'ed)

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