Zoroastrian Prayer for Peace 

In the event of death, prayers at the last breath of life are beneficial. A candle, oil lamp or incense burner lighted by the person’s head is believed to assist the soul leaving the dying 
body. A small electric table lamp may be substituted if the other natural flames are not available. Prayers (Ashem Vohu) should be recited by a family member or friend by the dying or dead person’s bedside. No special religious space is needed. Grieving relatives may wish to utilize a nondenominational quiet room. Having the Sudreh and Kushti worn at the time of death is beneficial to the dying person, hence if not already worn; it should be put on as soon as possible. Sudreh and Kushti should be worn by the person after competing post–mortem care.


Zoroastrians regard the soul of the dead more important than the physical remains and extensive prayers for the dead are an integral part of Zoroastrian rituals. In India the body, after due reverence, is placed in the “Towers of Silence,” located on hilltops open to the sky and given free access to birds of prey. The bones are bleached and crumble to dust over time. No monument is erected for it is hoped that the departed will live on in the hearts and prayers of their loved ones. In other parts of the world, burial or cremation is the norm. 

Final disposal of the dead body is expected as soon as possible and the funeral ceremony is encouraged to occur within six hours (one gah) if possible but not longer than 24 hours. 

The Prayer

We pray to God to eradicate all the misery in the world: 
that understanding triumph over ignorance, 
that generosity triumph over indifference, 
that trust triumph over contempt, and 
that truth triumph over falsehood. 
Muslim Prayer for Peace 
Praise be to the Lord of the 
Universe who has created us and 
made us into tribes and nations, 
That we may know each other, not that 
we may despise each other. 
If the enemy incline towards peace, do 
thou also incline towards peace, and 
trust God, for the Lord is the one that 
heareth and knoweth all things. 
And the servants of God, 
Most Gracious are those who walk on 
the Earth in humility, and when we 
address them, we say "PEACE."

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