Tea Offering

According to Confucianism, death does not mean the annihilation of man.Confucianists believe that, the spirit which wanders in space as an exile should be brought back to the family altar and be worshiped. Besides,respecting the elders, is the primary duty of all Confucianists.That the reason why, on all solemn occasions, the ancestral spirit is invoked and offered liquors, flowers and fruit, tea accompanied with prayers and incense.


Unlike western religions, which are henotheistic - that is, requiring exclusive adherence - eastern religions often are not exclusionary but incorporate different belief systems. Furthermore, the syncretic nature of the Chinese folk religion allows easy incorporation of certain local beliefs and practices. There is no need to drop the Chinese religion in favor of that of the indigenous people.

The Prayer

We come bringing tea to god's altar;
apricot in spring, chrysanthemum in fall,
hear our sincere, respectful call
upon merciful god to bless us all
The great way a light to pierce the pall,
may each living being your peace befall

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