Wine Offering

According to Confucianism, death does not mean the annihilation of man.Confucianists believe that, the spirit which wanders in space as an exile should be brought back to the family altar and be worshiped. Besides,respecting the elders, is the primary duty of all Confucianists.That the reason why, on all solemn occasions, the ancestral spirit is invoked and offered liquors, flowers and fruit, accompanied with prayers and incense.


Chinese Folk Religion is especially difficult to define, since it's a catch-all phrase for an unofficial mixture. The traditional religion of the Chinese people is often described as a blend of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. However, there is really a fourth element or tradition, which some label classical, that is, folk religion. Chinese folk religion is a faith whose theology, rituals, and officiants are widely diffused into other secular and social institutions. In spite of attempts at symbolic hegemony, Buddhism never came to dominate Chinese folk religion, either symbolically or institutionally.

The Prayer

Blessings illuminate the holy inner shrine;
in honor to god we offer fine wine.
gladly prostrating ourselves before the divine,
we pray for release of the sufferings of humankind.

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